Decide & Design

Decide and Design is the first step of creating a project work in the class. Teachers, in many cases, implement "Decide and Design"
phases in their instructions thinking at first and taking into consideration these questions:

* Who is the audience? ( students, age, grade)
* How much information they previously have based on the project work topics? (general knowledge)
* Which way will choose teachers to lead them to successfully pass every step of the project work ?
* Which ways will make them come to a successful outcome?

For example, teachers can use graphic organizers and webbing techniques to help students see and describe the relationships among different topics. Teachers also explain by providing background information and organizing this information in meaningful chunks. After several lessons, teachers  may create a graphic organizer to help students remember and discuss what they have learned. In this stage, students are able to think about the "Design Phase", about how they will design their projects.

Project design is a crucial stage in a project's life cycle because it identifies key elements and sets the overall tone. During project design an outline of the project is created, including :

*The organization for completing it.
*A description of the project.
*Goals, outcomes and objectives and when they will be completed.

First and foremost, we as students, in this case should meet with the group members and define the ultimate goal and outcome of the project, considering the need and expectation when determining the goals and get the approval of each member early on. After the primary goal have been established, we break each down into smaller, more manageable pieces. These pieces are objectives or outcomes - for example the solutions to problems that have been identified or learning goals that we need to achieve. Now that we have determined what we want our project to achieve, identify anything that could stand in the way of its success. 

Visual Aids may include :

 Since in dealing with the project work it is considered that here we find multimedia as a tool for helping us to explain what we did including:
* Audio - Visual Media
*Photos, videos
*Mind maps
It is important for us to think about questions and sub-questions that rises during the presentation of the project, and have an answer to each of them. In this phase we are able to easily design their project works step by step.
