Develop Phase

Continuing with the third phase of the DDDE -Model, after deciding and designing the specified topic, here we go to the Develop one. Now, that we already have designed the outline of the project
 including :

*The organization for completing it.
*A description of the project.
*Goals, outcomes and objectives and when they will be completed.

Here we go with the Developing...

The most beautiful part of the project is putting all the gathered information into practice. Mutlimedia, now, seems as a very important and entertaining part of the whole process, especially when dealing with a Power Point presentation.

Based on my previous experience on creating and making a real project, I may say that in this stage all we have to do is to produce the detailed media elements and activities which best fits for our topic. Through the numerous possibilities afforded by Technology, there are many options available for us to create dynamic displays for our learning.These elements may vary following the major topics and sub-topics of it, such as: 
* Fonts / Backgrounds

* Images / Icons

* Animations

* Graphics / Charts

* Insert Audio

* Embed Video

Actually, we passed from traditional of 'paper and poster' format of doing presentations to the creativity with the help of Technology because of the great potential and availability of so many digital tools which engage and motivate us in our learning.

Dealing with the presentation, in this stage, in order to strengthen our presentation skills we need to focus in improving in other areas as well (since in this stage it is supposed that we are presenting it to our audience) such as :

* Effective use of Visual Aids.

 It is necessary to : -book and check out the presentation equipment in advance, 
                              -design the visuals with clarity and simplicity in mind,
                              -use the visual aids that serve a clear and important purpose,
                              -not to use visuals as a substitute for a verbal presentation but to enhance                                  the presentation,
                               -talk to the audience and not only focus on the screen,
                                -coordinate the audio and the visual.

* Effective design and Understandable organization of content.

It is necessary to : -use short words or phrases/ organize the content visually,
                        -choose font that is is simple and easy to see and to read,
                       - keep the design simple (to many words/graphics are distracting and can                                  cause to miss the important points).
                        -limit the number of ideas on the slides
                        -use short quotes , not long extracts, from documents,
                        -assign a title for each visual which helps others retain the information,
                        -design diagrams,tables or charts that are clear and simple to understand,
                        -use summary lists.
