Multiple Intelligence, Cooperative Learning and the Multimedia as a tool for C.L

                             Multiple Intelligence in the Cooperative Learning and the Multimedia as a tool for C.L.


 Intelligence is the ability to solve a problem or shape a product that is valued in one or more cultural settings (Gardner, The structure of mind,2003). Each subject has its own learning style and a single form of intelligence,that each subject even if it has  deficiency, can have a self- original way of knowing. Gardner says that the human mid is a community of special intelligences, which he calls " the thinking structures". It distinguishes areas of the brain where 7 types of intelligence are located: linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, visual-spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal and nature. He states that the IQ should not be measured as an absolute figure such as weight, height or blood pressure since t is wrong to assume that IQ is a single fixed whole which can be measured through a test. We as human beings all have the ability to solve problems,so it does not matter how smart we are, it does matter how smart are we about. I think that another precondition for having results in this direction is the teacher's confidence in the abilities and possibilities of each student. In addition to recognizing learning difficulties, they should also focus on student's abilities on what they are able to do best. For example, a student who is characterized by any learning difficulties may be very good in any of the other areas of knowledge. If a student may have difficulty in mathematical calculations does not mean that he/she cannot be an equivalent talent in the field of music or any other fields. We are all intelligent who possesses multiple intelligence but we do not have developed each of them on the same level. According to the theory of multiple intelligence, it is necessary for teachers to recognize and encourage in a wider space the talents and abilities of students.

Two out of several Personality Tests for you to find on the links below..

  Collaboration is the philosophy of how to build relationship with others, to achieve a common goal. It is an educational process that unites the interests of all members of the group which brings positive changes. Collaborative learning takes many forms within the classroom.In general, groups contain three or four students who work together for a task, (depending on their educational and linguistic background, different skill levels and learning intelligence) so that each group member contributes to the learning process. Cooperative learning enhances student's learning and social skills where each student feels a necessary part of the success of the whole group. It increases their enthusiasm to achieve the best possible results in lessons. It increases the ability to practice, self-confidence and students feel more secure, especially those who are more shy. Group work makes students more agile because they feel they need to move their group forward and this way, learning becomes more interesting and enjoyable. This way, teachers have more time to help students organize and control their progress. Some of them explain this kind of work by doing a brainstorm session on the value of the collaborative work (why it is that they are doing things differently,from traditional classroom where the teacher is in front of the class and and the students in straight rows watching the teacher) and some other place posters around the class to remind the students of the benefits of it. In conclusion, the role of the teacher is to encourage the students to excel and help them succeed as a team.

An entertainment video of "A Trust and Team - Building activity".

   Mainstreaming of multimedia in education is very essential considering the need of students. It is used to provide computer based training courses by teachers and students to convey information, assessment materials or other teaching/learning resources. It is characterized by the presence of text, animation, video, sound and images which empower student to create and design rather than absorb their work created by others. It also enables students to easily connect with each other with the regard of their assignments /projects with suitable learning resources according to their learning styles and abilities. While using multimedia, students actively take responsibility for and regulate their own leaning, meaning that the teacher is no longer in full control. The teacher acts as a secondary guidance and encourage them to take active control which allows them to achieve their learning goals and coordinate the process by agreeing on rules and deadlines. As such, every member is seen as as both a learner and an executor. In practice, the teacher uses his/her own pedagogical experience to create supportive structures for learning with a balanced performance, by creating a clime of openness which requires a lot of trust and sensitivity on the part of his/her not to immediately interfere in the activities of the learners. It seems to help and build in (throughout the work) a kind of subtle support framework for the group.

Thank you !
